Podcast: Relationships at Work

The Problem With Being “Too Nice” at Work — Tessa West

July 15, 2024
Are you “too nice” at work? Social psychologist Tessa West shares her research on how people attempt to mask anxiety with overly polite feedback — a practice that’s more harmful than helpful — and gives three tips to swap generic, unhelpful observations with clear, consistent feedback, even when you feel awkward. After the talk, Modupe shares useful tips on how to share constructive criticism.

3 Steps to Better Connect With Your Fellow Humans — Amber Cabral

April 8, 2024
How can you effectively support people at work and in your community, especially when they’re different from you? Inclusion strategist Amber Cabral shares three steps you can take to build connection — emphasizing that even small, everyday actions can make a big difference to those around you. After the talk, Modupe shares questions we can ask to help bridge divides.

Why Businesses Need a Dreamer’s Magic and a Doer’s Realism — Beth Viner

March 11, 2024
At work, the dreamers often get credit for the big ideas, but they can also sometimes seem untethered to reality to the doers, who are trying to ... get things done. It’s when these two types of humans work in harmony that business magic happens, says culture strategist Beth Viner. She lays out a practical blueprint for harnessing the dreamer’s out-of-the-box thinking and the doer’s practicality, showing why it’s the key to building, growing and innovating in any relationship or organization. After the talk, Modupe shares more tips on how doers and dreamers can work together.

What You Can Learn From People Who Disagree With You — Shreya Joshi

April 3, 2023
Youth leader Shreya Joshi shows why having “uncomfortable conversations” with people you disagree with is crucial to bridging the political divide. “When we are able to recognize what unites us, it becomes so much easier to have conversations about what divides us,” she says. Join Modupe after the talk for some useful tips on navigating difficult conversations at work.

The Secret Ingredients of Great Hospitality — Will Guidara

February 27, 2023
Restaurateur Will Guidara’s life changed when he decided to serve a two-dollar hot dog in his Michelin-rated restaurant, creating a personalized experience for some out-of-town customers craving authentic New York City street food. The move earned such a positive reaction that Guidara began pursuing “unreasonable hospitality” full-time, seeking out ways to create extraordinary experiences and give people more than they expect. In this funny and heartwarming talk, he shares three steps to crafting truly memorable moments centered in human connection — no matter what business you’re in. After the talk, Modupe shares a collaboration-sparking activity to help you connect with the people you work with.

Work Is Not Your Family — Gloria Chan Packer

January 23, 2023
You may need to hear this (if you haven’t already): your job is not your family. While you can develop meaningful relationships with your colleagues, calling work your family can actually breed burnout and be detrimental to your mental and emotional health. Mental wellness educator Gloria Chan Packer walks through the exercises you need to shift your perspective and redraw the boundaries between your work and personal life, so you can feel freer and more empowered. Join Modupe after the talk, as she shares how to practically set boundaries in your own life.

Why Being Respectful to Your Coworkers Is Good for Business — Christine Porath

April 25, 2022
Looking to get ahead in your career? Start by being respectful to your coworkers, says leadership researcher Christine Porath. In this science-backed talk, she shares surprising insights about the costs of rudeness and shows how little acts of respect can boost your professional success — and your company’s bottom line.

The Value of Kindness at Work — James Rhee

February 28, 2022
Kindness can go a long way when it comes to reshaping a business. Having saved a fashion company from the brink of bankruptcy, entrepreneur James Rhee shares the value of investing in a culture of compassion at work — and shows why we should all lead with our hearts.

How to Come Out at Work, About Anything — Micah Eames

September 6, 2021
When TED media communications associate Micah Eames came out as trans at work, he quickly realized he’d need to start having tricky conversations with coworkers. Here’s his advice for how you can open up about your identity at work, and what your colleagues can do to help. After the talk, Modupe provides tips on what employers can do to foster more supportive environments for their workers.

Healthier Relationships … at Work Pt. 2 — Katie Hood

June 14, 2021
We all know relationships are hard to manage. And our work relationships—tangled with power, status and interdependence—are no exception. Last week, we heard a talk from Katie Hood. Katie is the CEO of One Love, an organization that teaches students around the world about the signs of healthy and unhealthy love. She also has a long background in business. So in this episode, Katie and Modupe dig deep into what it takes to build healthier relationships at work.

Healthier Relationships … at Work Pt. 1 — Katie Hood

June 7, 2021
Friends, family, and yes, colleagues. We all know relationships are hard to manage, and our work relationships — tangled with power, status and interdependence — are no exception. In this two-part episode, we’ll hear a talk from Katie Hood. Katie is the CEO of One Love, an organization that teaches students around the world about the signs of healthy and unhealthy love. She also has a long background in business, and went to business school with Modupe back in the day. So this week and next, they’ll dig deep into what it takes to build healthier relationships, personal and professional.

The Case for Reverse Mentorship — Patrice Gordon

May 31, 2021
We typically think of mentoring as the older generation passing down wisdom to the young, but there are benefits to flipping this around. There’s even a term for it: reverse mentorship. In this episode, we hear from Patrice Gordon about her experience reverse mentoring not just anyone, but the CEO of Virgin Atlantic. After the talk, Modupe identifies what anyone can do to help build a culture that allows knowledge to flow up in addition to down.

Should We Cry at Work? — Susan Davi‪d‬

February 8, 2021
Feelings are complicated. And even more so at work. We like to believe the ultimate professional is stoic, but what important information do we miss when we disregard our emotions on the job? In this episode, Harvard psychologist Susan David helps us break free from the “tyranny of positivity” and embrace the full range of our emotions. After the talk, Modupe extends this idea to the workplace by examining a time she shed tears at a meeting with colleagues.

How to Disagree Productively and Find Common Ground — Julia Dhar

November 2, 2020
Often it feels like the only thing we can agree on is that we can’t agree on anything. World debate champion Julia Dhar offers three techniques to reshape the way we talk to each other so we can take our disagreements somewhere fruitful—over family dinners, during work meetings, and in our national conversations. Plus host Modupe Akinola explains why better arguments might start not with arguments at all, but with better questions.

How to Find the Person Who Can Help You Get Ahead at Work — Carla Harris

October 19, 2020
You know you need a mentor to advance your career, but have you ever considered who your sponsor is? Carla Harris, vice chairman at Morgan Stanley, explains the crucial importance of identifying a person who will speak on your behalf in the top-level, closed-door meetings you’re not invited to (yet). Learn why your pool of potential sponsors is bigger than you might think—and how to think carefully about how to present yourself to them.

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