Publications: Journal Articles
Thriving Under Pressure: The Effects of Stress-Related Wise Interventions on Affect, Sleep, and Exam Performance for College Students From Disadvantaged Backgrounds
Goyer, J.P., Akinola, M., *Grunberg, R., & *Crum A.J. (in press). Emotion.
A Mega-Study of Text-Based Nudges Encouraging Patients to Get Vaccinated at an Upcoming Doctor’s Appointment
Milkman, K.L., Patel, M.S., Gandhi, L., Graci, H.N., Gromet, D., Ho, H., Kay, J.S., Lee, T.W., Akinola, M., et al. (2021). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (20), e2101165118.
The Future of Women in Psychological Science
Gruber, J., Mendle, J., Lindquist, K.A., Schmader, T., Clark, L.A., Bliss-Moreau, E., Akinola, M., et al. (2021). Perspectives on Psychological Science, 16(3), 483-516.
Testosterone Reactivity to Competition and Competitive Endurance in Men and Women
Casto, K.V., Edwards, D.A., Akinola, M., Davis, C., & Mehta, P.H. (2020). Hormones & Behavior, 123, 104665.
Optimizing Stress: An Integrated Intervention for Regulating Stress Responses
Crum, A.J., Jamieson, J.P., & Akinola, M. (2020). Emotion, 20(1), 120-125.
Incorporating Physiology Into Creativity Research and Practice: The Effects of Bodily Stress Responses on Creativity in Organizations (PDF)
Akinola, M., Kapadia, C., Lu, G.J., & Mason, M.F. (2019). Academy of Management Perspectives, 33(2), 163-184.
Diversity Thresholds: How Social Norms, Visibility, and Scrutiny Relate to Group Composition (PDF)
Chang, E.H., Milkman, K.L., Chugh, D. & Akinola, M. (2019). Academy of Management Journal, 62(1), 144-171.
* Winner of The Academy of Management Journal Best Article Award
Optimizing Stress Responses With Reappraisal and Mindset Interventions: An Integrated Model (PDF)
Jamieson, J.P., Crum A.J., Goyer, J.P., Marotta, M.E., & Akinola, M. (2018). Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 31(3), 245-261.
Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Moderates Effect of Stress Mindset on Affect and Cognition
Crum, A., Akinola, M., Turnwald, B., Kaptchuk, T., & Hall, K. (2018). PLoS ONE, 13(4), e0195883.
Hormone-Diversity Fit: Collective Testosterone Moderates the Effect of Diversity on Group Performance
Akinola, M., Page-Gould, E., Mehta, P., & Liu, Z. (2018). Psychological Science, 29(6) 859-867.
To Delegate or Not to Delegate: Gender Differences in Affective Associations and Behavioral Responses to Delegation (PDF)
Akinola, M., Martin, A., & Phillips, K. (2018). Academy of Management Journal, 61(4), 1467-1491.
“Switching On” Creativity: Task Switching Can Increase Creativity by Reducing Cognitive Fixation
Lu, J.G., Akinola, M., & Mason, M.F. (2017). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 136, 63-74.
The Role of Stress Mindset in Shaping Cognitive, Emotional, and Physiological Responses to Challenging and Threatening Stress
Crum, A.J., Akinola, M., Martin, A., & Fath, S. (2017). Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 4, 379-395.
Collective Hormonal Profiles Predict Group Performance
Akinola, M., Page-Gould, E., Mehta, P.H., & Lu, J.G. (2016). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113 (35), 9774-9779.
Adaptive Appraisals of Anxiety Moderate the Association Between Cortisol Reactivity and Performance in Salary Negotiations (PDF)
Akinola, M., Fridman, I., Mor, S., Morris, M., & Crum, A. (2016). PLoS ONE 11(12), e0167977.
Transforming Water: Social Influence Moderates Psychological, Physiological, and Functional Response to a Placebo Product (PDF)
Crum, A.J., Phillips, D.J., Goyer, J.P., Akinola, M., & Higgins, E.T. (2016). PLoS ONE. 11(11), e0167121.
What Happens Before? A Field Experiment Exploring How Pay and Representation Differentially Shape Bias on the Pathway Into Organizations (PDF)
Milkman, K., Akinola, M. & Chugh, D. (2015). Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(6), 1678-1712.
Vagal Flexibility: A Physiological Predictor of Social Sensitivity (PDF)
Muhtadie, L., Koslov, K., Akinola, M., & Mendes, W.B. (2015). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109(1), 106–120.
Incorporating Neuroendocrine Methods Into Intergroup Relations Research (PDF)
Page-Gould, E. & Akinola, M. (2015). Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 18(3), 366–383.
It’s Good to Be the King: Neurobiological Benefits of Higher Social Standing (PDF)
Akinola, M. & Mendes, W.B. (2013). Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5(1), 43-51.
Consistency Over Flattery: Self-Verification Processes Revealed in Implicit and Behavioral Responses to Feedback (PDF)
Ayduk, O., Gyurak A., Akinola, M., & Mendes, W.B. (2013). Social Psychological and Personality Science, 4(5), 538-545.
Temporal Distance and Discrimination: An Audit Study in Academia (PDF)
Milkman, K., Akinola, M. & Chugh, D. (2012). Psychological Science, 23(7), 710-717.
Stress-Induced Cortisol Facilitates Threat-Related Decision Making Among Police Officers (PDF)
Akinola, M. & Mendes, W.B. (2012). Behavioral Neuroscience, 26(1), 167-174.
Measuring the Pulse of an Organization: Integrating Physiological Measures Into the Organizational Scholar’s Toolbox (PDF)
Akinola, M. (2010). Research in Organizational Behavior, 30, 203-223.
The Dark Side of Creativity: Biological Vulnerability and Negative Emotions Lead to Greater Artistic Creativity
Akinola, M. & Mendes, W.B. (2008). Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34 (12), 1677-1686.